Graduating senior Meg Hahn (BFA '17, Painting) and alum Maia Snow (BFA '13, Painting) have been selected to attend the Monhegan Artists’ Residency this summer. Now in its 29th year, Monhegan Artists’ Residency supports the creative growth of dedicated Maine artists by providing them time and space in which to work free of interruption and constraint in the inspiring environment of Monhegan Island.

Meg Hahn is a painter who examines color, form, and line by creating formal experimentations. Working primarily with oil paint, she is interested in creating relationships between irregular forms and color combinations. She is influenced by the aesthetics of her surroundings, internalizing sources from architecture, saturated color, and processed materials. Through painting, she can understand the material of the world around her, creating the images she wants to see. Meg is a finalist for the Joseph A. Fiore 2017 Painting Prize and will also be attending a residency at Hewnoaks Artist Colony this summer.

Maia Snow’s paintings are a self-referential visual language that speak to the extremities of the human experience and the intangibility of thoughts and emotions. They take the form of painted vessels—a holding pen for ephemeral wanderings, incapable of containing themselves. With a fierce attention to surface, Maia works to uncover the connection between ambiguity of thought and lived experience. Maia has also been awarded residencies at Hewnoaks Artist Colony and the Pace House this summer.

MECA&D alumni who have previously received the Monhegan Artists’ Residency include Justin Richel '02, Victoria Statsenko '14, Kristin Fitzpatrick '13, Alina Gallo MFA '08, Cyndi Davis '90, Nicole Duennebier '05, Margaret Leonard '82, Joe Kievitt '93, Martha Miller '06, and Connie Hayes '80.

Banner image: Meg Hahn, Grid (detail), oil on paper, 2017