Kylie Ford MFA '18

I felt that by going to MECA I would not only develop my work, but personal routines that would help me sustain a professional practice.

When did you graduate? Were you a full or low resident?
May 2018 and I was a full resident in the program.

Why did you decide to get your MFA at MECA&D?
I decided to get my MFA at MECA&D because of the trimester structure of the program and the institutional emphasis on artistic excellence. I felt that by going to MECA&D I would not only develop my work but personal routines that would help me sustain a professional practice.

Where do you live now and what are you doing after graduation?
I currently live in Fairmont, West Virginia. I'm teaching at Fairmont State University in Fairmont, WV.

What are you working on now?
I am working on large-scale prints, relief sculptures, and a sculptural installation for a solo show next year at Real Art Ways in Hartford, Connecticut. More info can be found here.

Do you keep in touch with your cohort?
Since graduation, I have kept in touch with my cohort at least weekly (usually more).

How has the MFA program impacted what you are doing today?
I feel that the program acted as an idea incubator of sorts. I was able to work both instinctively and critically, exploring ideas that I could refine post-graduation as well as some ideas that needed to get out to be done. Speaking to how it has impacted what I am doing today, I am beginning to develop a body of work with explorations that began within the program.

MECA&D’s MFA program is: "A metaphorical pressure-cooker."

Portland is: "A special place that will rarely give you a bad meal."