A big congratulations to all of the participants in the 2019 Merit Scholarship Competition! This year's exhibition was an exceptional showcase of the breadth of work being created in each department of the college - outstanding work by all. The Awards Ceremony took place on April 10, 2019, and the following students were presented with awards:
Best in Show: Kiana Thayer, Junior in Graphic Design
2nd Place: Violet Weiner, Junior in Metalsmithing & Jewelry
3rd Place: Adam Fowler, Junior in Photography
4th Place: Ashley Page, Junior in Sculpture
Jury Select | Materiality: Lauren Anderson, Junior in Ceramics
Jury Select | Concept & Narrative: Alejandra Cuadra, Junior in Sculpture
Jury Select | Innovation: Rosalind Wade, Junior in Painting
Honorable Mention: Ruthie Harrison, Sophomore, Future Animation & Game Art Major
Honorable Mention: Ben Grignon, Junior in Painting
Honorable Mention: Matanah Betko, Junior in Sculpture
Honorable Mention: Dylan Nadeau, Sophomore, Future Ceramics Major