Image of a statue of a woman's face in profile with a hand lifted to her ear. The text in the image says "Speak your Voice: Maine Art Education Association Spring Virtual Show 2021. Hosted by MECA&D."Maine College of Art & Design is pleased to host Speak Your Voice: the Maine Art Education Association (MAEA) 2021 Virtual Spring Art Exhibition, from April 15, 2021, through May 9, 2021. 

The Maine Art Education Association is a statewide professional organization whose members are committed to excellence in visual arts education. Maine College of Art & Design's Master in the Arts of Teaching Program (MAT) is hosting this year's virtual exhibit in partnership with the MAEA. The exhibit reflects the importance of art as a means to unite, provide hope, and create positive change. Now more than ever, it is vital that art teachers model for their students the value of creativity as a form of self-expression and social change. Making art during the pandemic is also a tool for social-emotional well-being as we grapple with the stress of adapting to a very different world.

The exhibit features original works of art by 39 artists who teach or have taught at schools throughout Maine. It was organized by MAT Interim Program Chair and Assistant Professor of Art Education Dr. Rachel Somerville, with assistance from MAEA President Lynda Leonas and Samara Yandell MAT ’18, the 3D Art teacher for the Biddeford School Department. Past exhibits have taken place on the first floor of MECA&D’s Porteous Building; this year the pandemic has necessitated a virtual version, easily accessible for viewing at Selected works are available for sale by the artists, with a percentage of the proceeds going to benefit MECA&D.

Dr. Somerville says, “We felt that it was important to maintain the MAEA spring exhibit tradition and encourage art educators to create art during this challenging time. We also saw this virtual exhibit as an opportunity to broaden our reach and engage with art teachers around the state who normally might not be able to attend our annual in-person art show. We are very pleased with the number of submissions and the beautiful work presented. The exhibit represents the passion, skill, and creativity that art educators carry.  We are also excited that this is the highest number of pieces ever submitted to this event by a MAT cohort.  We are so grateful for this ongoing collaboration and for all of our front-line teachers who continue to 'Speak Their Voice.' ”

The MAEA fosters high quality teaching in visual arts, provides professional opportunities for art teachers, serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas, and supports collaboration among educators and other arts agencies. MECA&D’s 10-month MAT Program prepares artists to become effective art educators; field experiences begin on the very first day.

View the Exhibit.

Learn more about the
Maine Art Education Association.

Learn more about MECA&D’s Master in the Arts of Teaching Program.

Header image: Michael E. Vermette '80, Shooting Chase Rapids in the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, impasto oil on heavy linen, 38" x 48", 2020