The ICA at Maine College of Art & Design is free and open to the public. Wednesday–Sunday 11:00am–5:00pm, Thursday 11:00am–7:00pm, and First Fridays 11:00am–8:00pm.

Off the Wall

On view from January 18 - February 23, 2018
Exhibition Reception: Thursday, January 18, 2018, 5:00–7:00pm

Rosy Keyser, 'Skeleton'

In 1966, German-born American sculptor Eva Hesse attached a seemingly simple long metal cord to a canvas that dramatically transformed a painting into a sculpture. Such a simple act revolutionized our understanding of what a painting could be. By privileging the painting’s marginal feature—the frame, its structural support — Hang Up transcends the medium’s inherent two-dimensionality.

Off the Wall pays homage to Hesse’s groundbreaking work and investigates how contemporary artists continue to explore this liminal space between painting and sculpture. At times, a painting’s skin slides onto the floor or creeps onto the ceiling. In others, structural components protrude outward into the gallery space. As our spatial relationship with such works is reconfigured, objects on view in Off the Wall permeate into space and challenge our comprehension of both painting and sculpture. To provide an intimate perspective on this topic, Off the Wall will feature a range of works by two Brooklyn-based artists, Rosy Keyser and Ryan Wallace. A representative sampling of work will be presented by each artist to provoke thought about the shifting dynamics between painting and sculpture or sculpture and painting as well as their collision. The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalog with an essay by guest curator Jaime DeSimone.

Click Here to Purchase Exhibition Catalog
Artist Biographies

Rosy Keyser (born 1974, Baltimore, MD) lives and works in Brooklyn, NY and Medusa, NY. Keyser received a BFA from Cornell University and an MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Recent solo exhibitions include Maccarone, NY/LA, Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin, Lora Reynolds, Austin TX, Freddy, Baltimore, Karma, New York and Peter Blum, New York. Keyser has been included in exhibitions at Louisiana Museum of Art, Humlabaek Denmark, Hauser and Wirth, New York, NY, The Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, and The Chianti Foundation, Marfa TX. Her work is in the permanent Collection of The Portland Art Museum, Portland ME, The Louisiana Museum of Art, Humlabaek DK, The Zabludowicz Collection, London UK, and The Walker Art Center, Minneapolis MN.

Ryan Wallace was born in 1977 in New York City, and lives and works in Brooklyn and East Hampton, New York. He received his BFA from Rhode Island School of Design. Recent solo exhibitions include Susan Inglett Gallery, NYC; 56 Henry, NYC; Cooper Cole Gallery, Toronto; Romer Young Gallery, San Francisco; and the Window on Broad, Rosenwald Wolf Gallery, University of the Arts, Philadelphia. His work has been exhibited at The Elaine de Kooning House, East Hampton, Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art, University of Nevada Las Vegas; BAM, Brooklyn; Albada Jelgersma, Amsterdam; Jerome Pauchant Gallery, Paris; and Anat Ebgi, Los Angeles among others. Wallace’s works can be found in the collections of the RISD Museum, Providence; Museum of Modern Art, New York; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California; Marjorie Barrick Museum, Las Vegas, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, among others.

Guest Curator
Jaime DeSimone
With over twelve years of curatorial experience in contemporary art, Curator Jaime DeSimone conceives and implements the exhibition program and manages the Permanent Collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Jacksonville. Most recently, DeSimone has curated Project Atrium: Gabriel Dawe, Synthesize: Art + Music, and Confronting the Canvas: Women of Abstraction, the first museum show to focus on contemporary female abstract painters. She was previously the exhibitions project manager at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts, where she managed a portfolio of exhibitions, including Calder and Abstraction and FreePort No. 008: Celeste Boursier-Mougenot . From 2005 to 2012, DeSimone served as the assistant curator at the Addison Gallery of American Art, located on the campus of Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, where she curated a number of exhibitions, including Flash Back: November 23, 1963 (2013), The Civil War: Unfolding Dialogues (2011), and Kara Walker: Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) (2008). She holds a master's degree in American contemporary art from American University (2005) and a bachelor's degree in art history from Bates College (2001).

For more information or to request an interview, please contact MECA&D’s Director of Exhibitions and Special Projects, Erin Hutton, at 207.699.5025 or

The ICA at Maine College of Art & Design is free and open to the public. Wednesday–Sunday 11:00am–5:00pm, Thursday 11:00am–7:00pm, and First Fridays 11:00am–8:00pm.

Masthead Image: Ryan Wallace, Dragnalus, 2016