Enrollment Rules

Students are not permitted to attend classes until all outstanding College bills are paid. Students may not attend classes until adequate proof of immunization is filed with the Registration & Academic Advising Office. A student will not receive a grade for a course unless he or she is properly registered for it. A student may receive a failing grade for a course he or she stops attending unless a drop form or exit form has been completed and submitted.

It is the student’s responsibility to submit the necessary forms and to be aware of credit-load status and refund period deadlines. Students who are not achieving satisfactory academic progress will not be allowed to continue their enrollment at Maine College of art. Any student who creates a disruption or interferes with instruction of a class may be removed from that course. Any student, who causes harm to another student, or to faculty or staff, may be asked to leave the College. Students receiving financial aid are governed by the policies outlined in the catalog.

The Registrar may revoke full or partial registration at any time for lack of proper immunization records, non-payment of financial obligations to the school, or failure to complete academic prerequisites, including failure to participate in required reviews. The College reserves the right at any time to change the course offerings, fees, calendar, rules and regulations governing admission and registration.

Directory Information & Disclosure Policy / Solomon Amendment

The College normally will not supply non-related organizations with personally identifiable student information, including “directory information.” Active students who wish to have directory information withheld from release must do so in writing on a “per-academic-year” basis. Please remember: active students must renew a request for non-disclosure each year to keep such requests in effect.

One exception to this policy is the result of a federal law known as the “Solomon Amendment” which requires the College to release directory information to military recruiters upon request. For this purpose, directory information is defined as: name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, level of education, academic major, degrees received, and educational institution in which a student most recently was enrolled. Information not required or permitted by the Solomon Amendment and not considered directory information under FERPA will not be released without written permission of the student.


Midterm grades reflect a student’s academic progress at about six weeks into the semester. Although midterm grades are not part of a student’s permanent record and will not be reflected in the semester grade point average (GPA), they are important indicators of how they are doing academically. Midterm grades are meant to encourage students to get in touch with their instructors and to request academic assistance if it is needed. The Registrar will contact any student who receives three or more grades below 2.0 (C) in a semester.

Academic Probation

All students who earn a semester grade point average below 2.0 [C] are placed on academic Probation for the following semester.* Note Students Admitted on Probation must follow policy above.

Students Admitted on Probation: The Director of Admissions will determine if a student is to be admitted to the college on Academic Probation and will notify that student in writing. A student who achieves a 2.0 or better in his/her first semester will be removed from Academic Probation. If a student's GPA falls below 1.7 (C-) during their first semester, s/he will be academically dismissed. Students who fail to comply will be subject to dismissal.

Academic Dismissal

Students who are not making Satisfactory Academic Progress, as measured by either of the College’s measures, will be academically dismissed. Any student who has attended Maine College of art for at least two semesters and who has earned a semester grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 for the two most recent consecutive semesters will be dismissed from the college. Any student who fails to meet the 67% quantitative standard at the end of the academic year will be academically dismissed without a probationary period.


Plagiarism, the use without attribution of languages, images, ideas, or the organization of ideas not one’s own, is a fundamental breach of basic academic principles and is prohibited in all courses. The development of original thinking and intellectual honesty is regarded as central to MECA&D’s pedagogy. Although in the pursuit of these goals students will continually consult existing works, it is expected that they will acknowledge the debt owed to others by citing all sources. Unless group work is assigned, coursework is normally completed independently. If books, journals, magazines, or any other sources are reviewed and the ideas or language therein used, they must be cited. Students should consult a reference source on proper notation. Evidence of plagiarism will result in a grade of "F" for the assignment and may, at the discretion of the faculty, lead to a grade of "F" in the course. In addition, the Dean of the College may impose further sanctions (such as probation or dismissal). For complete information, see the Student Conduct Code.

Add / Drop / Withdrawal

As a BFA student you have the opportunity to make changes to your schedule, see below.

ADD – A student may add a class during the “add / drop period” with the written consent of their faculty member after classes have begun for the semester.

DROP– A student may drop a class during the “add / drop period” without the written consent of their faculty member after classes have begun for the semester, as long as it is done before two weeks. After this date, students must withdraw from courses they no longer wish to attend.

WITHDRAWAL— A student who withdraws from a course after the Drop Period but during the Withdrawal Period (the fifth through the eighth weeks of the semester,) will receive an automatic grade of "W." The instructor’s signature is not required to withdraw from a course during the Withdrawal Period. This grade will be reflected on your transcript. After this date the instructor controls the grade.