Ceramics is a hybrid medium; it embraces a range of formal principles from two- and three-dimensional design, as well as the concerns of sculptural and functional art making. These complex interrelationships help define the contemporary dynamic of the medium. Students learn about the ways form addresses space. They learn about balance, stance, profile, symmetry and asymmetry, rhythm, movement and scale. Students learn about the formal issues of the vessel: the relationship of inside volume to outside form and the relationship of inside surface to outside surface. They also learn about the relationship between form and function, the importance of craftsmanship and attention to detail, color relationships and the effect of glazes and slips upon the surface of form, and how to orchestrate the two-dimensional processes of drawing and painting on a three-dimensional form.
What do our alumni do?
Statistics from the 2015 Strategic National Arts Alumni project (SNAAP)
Did you know?
55% is the national average for arts alumni that work as professional artists.
45% is the national average for arts alumni that are self employed, independent contractors, or freelance workers.
Work as professional artists
Work as graphic designers, illustrators, or art directors
Founded a business
Work as craft artists
Work as fine artists
Work as art teachers
Pursued an MFA after graduation
Are self-employed, independent contractors or freelance workers
Make art in their personal time
Graduation Rate
Transfer Graduation Rate