Students will receive an in-depth education in the field of textiles, learning the properties and uses of fibers, textile techniques, and structures. This foundation will support the students’ explorations in surface design, mark-making, and repeat pattern through surface embellishment and structural manipulation practices. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of color, pattern development, and the expressive qualities of texture and materials in order to build a working vocabulary in support of the development of personal concepts that drive the creative process.
Students will explore the human form as a kinetic 3D armature employing the expressive qualities of textiles as a medium in relation to the body, including the placement of pattern on the body, understanding the scale of garments in relation to the body, and exploring the transformation of the silhouette of the human form through clothing.
Students will learn the evolution of apparel academically and experientially through draping practices by using basic shapes as they relate to the body, supported by the consideration of textile techniques and material choices. Flat pattern drafting and garment construction paired with appropriate choices of textile and textile techniques will serve as a means by which to develop a comprehensive and meaningful body of work.