Asherah Cinnamon ’08, Forgiveness: Selichot, Beech wood, synthetic fiber strips, paint, gold leaf, 22" x 24"x 6", 2016.This is a new sculpture, utilizing the theme and some of the materials from an interactive public art project, Teshuvah, which the artist installed in Portland in 2007.

Asherah Cinnamon ’08, Kelsey Haley ’15, Savanna Pettengill ’14, and Lauren Tosswill ’14 were selected for the summer alumni residency at Maine College of Art & Design. They will have studio space in the Porteous building for four weeks with access to the facilities. The residency is aligned with the Master of Fine Arts in Studio Arts program, providing residents the opportunity to connect with MFA visiting artists, faculty and students. A public, open studio day for MFA students and artists-in-residence is scheduled for July 25 from 4–6pm.

The jury was comprised of Rachel Katz MFA ’00, Administrative Director of Graduate Programs, past participant Izabella Provan ’15, Julien Langevin ’18, and Isabelle Maschal O’Donnell ’17, Alumni Relations and Events Coordinator.

Header image:
Savanna Pettengill ’14, Dandelion Prism, Unique Photogram, 4”x5”, Fujifilm FP100C, 2018 (cropped for header)