The family of Barbara Rita Jenny (MFA ’02) established the Maine College of Art & Design Baie Ste Marie Artist & Family Residencyin 2008. Located in New Edinburgh, Nova Scotia, the Baie Ste Marie Residency is open to Maine College of Art & Design degree-holding alumni, current faculty, and staff. This summer residency is distinguished not only by its incomparable location on the rugged Atlantic Coast of Canada, but because residents may bring their families.

Marcy Chevali MFA ’08, Untitled, glass, 15.5” x 26” x 7”, 201

The 2019 residents are Marcy Chevali MFA ’08, Dylan Hausthor ’15, and Lucas Ouellette ’18.

The jury was comprised of Barbara Rita Jenny MFA ‘02, Alumni Council member Kate Katomski MFA '02, faculty member Asata Radcliffe, and Isabelle Maschal O’Donnell ’17, Alumni Relations and Events Coordinator.

Travel stipends for selected residents are provided through a generous grant from the Robert J. Jenny Memorial Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.

Bay Ferries Limited believes in community and is extremely pleased to partner with the Maine College of Art & Design in 2019 to provide discounted round trip vehicle transport to the winners of the Baie Ste. Marie Residency.

Header Image: Lucas Ouellette ’18, Disappearing, Oil on panel, 24” x 24”, 2017 (cropped)