Maine College of Art & Design is pleased to announce the hire of Bukola Koiki as Visting Assistant Professor in Printmaking as part of the AICAD Fellowship Program. The Association of Independent Colleges of Art & Design (AICAD) is pleased to announce the 11 fellows who have recently been selected to participate in a year-long, Post-Graduate Teaching Fellowship at participating AICAD institutions during the 2017/18 academic year.

The Fellowship program seeks to provide professional practice opportunities to high-achieving alumni who have recently graduated from AICAD member schools, while also increasing the racial and ethnic diversity of faculty at these institutions. AICAD institutions aspire to create a climate that recognizes and values diversity as central to excellence in art and design education.

Bukola Koiki, JJC (Journey Just Come); installation view

Bukola Koiki (MFA in Applied Craft + Design, 2015, Oregon College of Art & Craft/Pacific Northwest College of Art Joint MFA Program) placed at Maine College of Art & Design. Bukola Koiki is a multidisciplinary artist who was born in Lagos, Nigeria and came to study art in the United States as a teen through a series of events involving a secondary school classmate and the American Visa Lottery Program. This sudden shift in location as a teenager informs her work which explores the experience of being a hybrid of two disparate cultures and the constant external and internal battles of existing in that liminal space between them through various conceptual lenses. She received her MFA in Applied Craft + Design from Oregon College of Art and Craft and Pacific Northwest College of Art in 2015 and her BFA in Communication Design from The University of North Texas in 2006. Her work has been included in group exhibitions around the country and she recently had her first solo show JJC (Journey Just Come) in August 2016 at the Portland Building Installation Space. She is currently the May 2017 featured artist in PDX Contemporary Art's Window Project the gallery's showcase for emerging artists. She was the recipient of a 2016 RACC Professional Development Grant and completed the Rainmaker Summer Artist Residency in 2016.

Image in header: Bukola Koiki, I Claim That Which Was Never Mine, 2014; installation view, This Could Fail: An Optimistic Exhibition of Works In Progress, 2014. Courtesy of the Artist and the Oregon College of Art and Craft and Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, Oregon. Photo: Samantha Estrella.