JamraPatel has just published a calculator app for Google’s Android mobile device platform. The app, which uses the numerals of the N’ko-script typeface that Mark Jamra, Professor of Graphic Design at MECA&D, and Neil Patel designed for the Manding language and dialects of West Africa, quickly follows the release of their first app last month. That app, Nko Sebendenwala, installed a N’ko keyboard in Apple devices, thereby providing iPhone and iPad users with the ability to create emails, messages and tweets in their native language. It was enthusiastically received by the Manding communities in West Africa and its diaspora around the world.

Jamra Patel

The new app, called Nko Calculatrice, is a calculator which uses the numerals of the N’ko script. The numerals, like the letters of the script, read right-to-left.

JamraPatel LLC is a Portland, Maine based design studio that creates innovative type systems in non-Latin scripts for use in under-served language communities in the U.S. and abroad. They also design logos, wordmarks, and custom proprietary typefaces for the comprehensive branding strategies of businesses, organizations and publications.