Jo Tatlock ‘18, Only Now, Screenprint on Canson Paper 11" x 17"

Jo Tatlock '18 has been named as MECA&D Fellow at Pickwick Independent Press for 2018–2019. This fellowship is available to a 2018 BFA graduate. The MECA&D fellow receives a one-year keyholder membership to Pickwick Independent Press starting June 1, 2018 and ending May 30, 2019.

Keyholder members have 24/7 access to the Pickwick Independent Press print shop. The goal of the fellowship provides the fellow with an opportunity to develop both their fine art and freelance/client based portfolios, broaden their artistic network, and take advantage of the support both the member community and print shop provide.

The selection committee was comprised of Pickwick Independent Press owner and Maine College of Art & Design Alum Pilar Nadal MFA '13, and Associate Dean and Program Chair in Printmaking, Elizabeth Jabar and a representative from the Artists At Work office.

In exchange for the year long membership, the fellow will work on select print projects for the College that will not exceed 40 hours over the course of the 2018–2019 academic year. The fellow is expected to work at least 8 hours weekly in the shop on their own work, be an active member of the shop community by participating in exchanges, events, and other opportunities, have regular check-in meetings with both the shop manager and the Maine College of Art & Design Marketing team, and be proactive and self motivated about the commissioned print projects.

Pickwick Independent Press is a fine art printing facility founded by Maine College of Art & Design alum Lisa Pixley ’07 and owned and operated by Pilar Nadal MFA ’13. Pickwick’s primary goal is to provide space and equipment to artists interested in creating art in multiples. Connecting artists and printmakers with the incredible network of artmakers in the area is a part of the studio vision as the press acts as a well-appointed hub turning printmaking into a collaborative event. The cooperative space includes equipment to accomplish printmaking projects based in intaglio, relief, letterpress, and screen printing. More information about the press and members.

Header: Jo Tatlock '18, Less of a Girl (cropped), CMYK screenprint with handcoloring on Canson 10" x 13”, 2018