Artist Joshua Reiman, who is an Assistant Professor in MECA&D’s MFA in Studio Art and Sculpture programs, recently completed the timely film The Wind Dies The Sun Sets in collaboration with fellow artist Eric Weeks. The film, a “contemplative consideration of energy extraction and use in Pennslyvania,” follows three characters central to issues of fracking and altered landscapes in a locale with a long history of energy production. It is being shown throughout the month of November on the German station IkonoTV as the winner of IkonoTV’s open call for Art Speaks Out 2016, a curated video program on environmental issues.

The title is a riff on pro-coal billboards that advertised "Wind Dies. Sun Sets. You need reliable affordable clean coal electricity." It will also be included in the ArtCOP22 exhibition, curated by Vanina Saracino, in Marrakesh, Morocco at WACE-Arkane Afrika from November 7-18, which runs parallel to the COP22 United Nationals Framework Convention on Climate Change. Other artists included are: Christian Bau, Volkan Diyaroglu, Simon Faithfull, Christiane Geoffroy, Isabelle Hayeur, HeHe (Helen Evans and Heiko Hansen), Oto Hudec, Michel Huneault, Louis Jammes, Sjaan Klijne, Michael Najjar, Thiago Rocha Pitta, and Yael Toren.

Joshua Reiman works in sculpture, film, video, and photography and has exhibited in galleries and museums throughout the world. Eric Weeks is a photographic and video artist, a curator, and Chair of the Photography Department at the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design.

Watch the trailer on vimeo.