MECA&D's Second Year Lab courses are designed to encourage students to take skills they have developed from their foundation year and apply them to a new idea that they will follow from inception to completion. Each SYL class had different objectives and projects which will be on display in Artists At Work through November 10, 2014. You can read more about each SYL class below.

De-Construct to Re-Construct
Instructor: Paul Lewandowski
Students: Joe Donovan, Ariana Faria, Meg Hudson, Ellie Johnson, Sayre Lenard, Madeline Owen, Sarah Perry, Parker Smedley, Chelsey Taylor, Melinda Thomas, Anna Welch and Ashley Wernher-Collins

Deconstruct to Reconstruct is about exploration of garment construction, disassembly and inspiration. The students have been working on a number of projects throughout the semester. The work in this exhibit is the culmination of that research for two projects.The first project is the result of deconstructing a garment and using it as inspiration to develop a new piece – garment, artwork, or textile.  For the second project, the students were asked to purchase a garment or object from a thrift store and develop a companion piece to the first. Key themes during the semester have been inspiration, research, observation and response.

Gathering Influences: Collections, Collectibles, Collecting, Collectors
Instructor: Pilar Nadal
Students: Aaron Siegel, And Alter, Baxter Koziol, Catherine Quattrociocchi, Daniel Iwasko, David Martinez, Elizabeth Conlin, Emma Wolfsohn, Gunnar Johnson, Hannah Howard, Margaret Hahn, Marisa D’Andrea, Martin Reynolds, Olivia Waitekus, Paige Leonas, Paul Walsh, Raven Zeh and Sara Inacio

"Objecte de Visite” - Students in this class were given the assignment to create a object that would represent their roles as an artist in the world. Each student made 100 objects to give away, barter and network with. Screen printed elements in each design, these students found ways to incorporate their skills, interests and ideas in each hand held piece. Each object contains the artist’s name, contact information and individual blog address that documents their printmaking and public engagement adventures in this lab. Our class blog: contains all student links and other posts and resources of interest.

Photography: Document, Archive, Fiction
Instructor: Bryan Graf
Students: Justin Lumiere, Abbie Labonville, Claire Hartnell, Danielle Camillo, Elizabeth Johnson, Ileana Alarcon, Molly Hibler, Taylor McElhinny and Vincent Greco

This exhibition is an accumulation of the past several projects where students were encouraged to investigate the plural and malleable language of photography.