Q&A + Exhibition Walkthrough: Confabulations of Millennia
Richard Saja, Guest Curator. Participating Artists: Erin M. Riley, Melora Kuhn, Beth Katleman, and Anthony Sonnenberg
Richard Saja, Guest Curator. Participating Artists: Erin M. Riley, Melora Kuhn, Beth Katleman, and Anthony Sonnenberg
Jackie Brown, a sculpture installation artist whose work stems from an interest in nature, science, and living systems.
PechaKucha 20x20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds, as you explain your idea or story. This night celebrates MECA&D with special presentations from our community. When: Thursday, October 19, 2017. Doors open at 6:30pm. Showtime is 7:20pm. Where: The Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. Cost: $7 General […]
ELEMENTAL INTERSECTIONS: Conversations on Art & Environment | Part 3: Earth Thursday, October 26, at 5:30 pm Osher Hall, Second Floor, Porteous Join Watershed Center for Ceramic Arts at MECA&D for a conversation exploring the intersections of art-making and our environment. Artist Wayne Higby will join Donna Loring of Maine's Penobscot Nation and marine geologist […]
BFA Fall 2017 Visiting Artist Lecture Series All lectures in this series are hosted in Osher Hall and are open to the public at no charge. Seating is limited. Supported in part by the Gene R. Cohen Charitable Foundation, the Isabel K. Pease Trust, and friends of the College through the Osher Chair Naming Program. Call 207.699.5010 for […]
Reception: Friday, November 3, 5-8pm 380 Cumberland, Portland, Maine An exhibition highlighting the collaboration between MECA&D's MAT program and students from Portland and South Portland LearningWorks Afterschool sites. Additionally, there will be a celebration of 21st Century Learning with afterschool programs from around Portland at MECA&D's Green Space, located next to the 380 Cumberland building. […]
Visiting Artist Lecture: Christy Georg, Visiting Assistant Professor, Sculpture Thursday, November 9, 2017; noon (universal lunch) in Osher Hall Christy George, Photograph courtesy ©Koen Dijkman Artist Statement "I am attracted to desolate and harsh natural environments. My work is inspired by travel and research in varied landscapes- lately the American West, sailing the Eastern Seaboard, […]
ServeUP 2018: Rebuilding Lives Through Building Homes Info Session at MECA&D: Monday, November 13, 2017, at 2:00pm, Room 264 What is ServeUP: ServeUP is an alternative spring break opportunity where students serve together in areas that have been affected by natural disasters while engaging in dialogues about race, social justice, and faith. This year, ServeUP is […]
The students of the Salt Graduate Certificate in Documentary Studies at MECA&D are taking a break from making documentaries to host an evening of stories, readings, and audio adventures. Please join us on Wednesday, November 15 at the Maine Charitable Mechanic Association Ballroom. There will be a reception and mixer at 4pm, followed by the […]