Since 2003, Kari Radasch ’97 has maintained a professional studio and business, selling work in galleries, at nationally recognized craft shows, and from her studio. She also maintains wholesale accounts and an active online sales presence. She has taught numerous workshops throughout the country, given many lectures on her work, exhibited in both solo and group exhibitions, and has been featured in several publications. She earned her BFA from MECA&D and her MFA from the University of Nebraska‐Lincoln.


● Three‐hour DVD on her work entitled Low‐Tech Clay, High‐End Results released by the online community resource Ceramics Arts Daily in 2015.

● Work included in New Ceramic Surface Design Handbook by Molly Hatch.

● First potter awarded the Evelyn Shapiro Fellowship at The Clay Studio in Philadelphia.


Kari was born and raised in coastal Maine. Besides teaching, she maintains an active studio in the Portland area where she lives with her husband, Ian Anderson, who is Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the College at MECA&D, their two children, Ruby May and Heilo Blue, and their dog Max.

Kari's Website