Students bridge lessons learned in Foundation-level classes with techniques and content developed in photography. From 3-D design, they harvest knowledge of how light, surface and form create spatial relations. In 2D Design, students gain an understanding of composition and the process of looking critically and objectively at their work. Students understand how formal decisions and processes inform content and develop skills and techniques that allow students to use the camera as an artistic tool.
What do our alumni do?
Statistics from the 2015 Strategic National Arts Alumni project (SNAAP)
Did you know?
55% is the national average for arts alumni that work as professional artists.
45% is the national average for arts alumni that are self employed, independent contractors, or freelance workers.
Work as professional artists
Work as graphic designers, illustrators, or art directors
Founded a business
Work as craft artists
Work as fine artists
Work as art teachers
Pursued an MFA after graduation
Are self-employed, independent contractors or freelance workers
Make art in their personal time
Graduation Rate
Transfer Graduation Rate