Jackie King '17

MECA opened many doors for me artistically; there are so many possibilities for my work now.

Describe a body of work that you are currently working on.
The body of work that I’m working on currently is focused on addressing issues of sexuality and objectification. Previously, I was making a body of work that raised questions about how humans treat animals. I feel a personal responsibility to make work that raises awareness to sociopolitical issues. I enjoy working in a variety of different materials such as ceramic, rubber, wood, plaster, and fabric, but I’m especially interested in the intimacy of life casting.

What made you chose to go into your current field of art?
I started out my junior year as a Painting major, but I felt like I was limited to making two-dimensional works. While it's not true that you have to create paintings to be in the Painting Program, I felt being within the Sculpture program would most benefit my artwork. I chose Sculpture because I wanted the freedom of being able to use any medium.

How has your education at MECA&D shaped you as an artist?
Being at MECA&D has changed my art drastically. I didn’t have much experience in sculptural mediums prior to attending college. I feel like it opened many doors for me artistically; there are so many possibilities for my work now. It’s just a matter of figuring out the most effective way to express what I want to say.

What inspires you?
I’m really inspired by own frustration. My work is strongly motivated by injustices that have really moved me and kind of forced me to speak out against them.

What do you hope to do after graduation?
After graduation, I hope to get my MFA and hopefully I’ll be pursuing a career in higher education. I’d like to be a professional artist on the side. At least that’s the plan for now.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
The best piece of advice I ever received was actually here at MECA&D. In my freshman year, Sean Glover told me “Sometimes it’s better to apologize than to ask permission.” For some reason, that always stuck with me.