Araminta Matthews, MFA, GCDF headshot

Araminta Matthews

Associate Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies

Dept. : Academic Affairs, MAT, MFA, Salt at MECA

Araminta comes to MECA&D with fifteen years of professional experience in teaching and leadership roles in higher education across multiple institutions in Maine. In her most recent role, Araminta was the Senior Instructional Designer and Director of the Virtual Accessibility, Writing, and Library Tutors program (or the VAWLT), which was created from open-source resources to provide a digital tutoring service to eLearning students across the University of Maine System. She has extensive expertise in the pedagogy of distance and eLearning design and has worked with faculty in multiple disciplines to map their programs to distance delivery models. She has also taught, both in online and face-to-face classrooms, all forms of writing classes. Araminta holds both a BFA and MFA in creative writing as well as a teaching certificate, a Global Career Development Facilitator certificate, and a graduate certificate in Digital Curation from the University of Maine.

She is also an author and started her writing career penning Young Adult zombie novels and short stories for Indie publishers. She co-authored a writing manual for at-risk learners, Write of the Living Dead, with Stan Swanson and Dr. Rachel Lee, Ph.D., as well as curricula and peer-reviewed articles for onboarding to eLearning design, integrating civic engagement into distance courses, media-design for eLearning, and developing social presence into distance learning platforms. Her most recent book is an energy healing manual co-authored with Youtube influencer, Lune Innate, and published by Mango, called Crystal Intentions: Practices for Manifesting Wellness.