Not Sick Of You Yet

Town: Scarborough, Maine
County: Cumberland

Names of people involved:
Linda Warner
Kathy Warner

Chronic conditions affect about 50 million adults in the United States, and they can make even the most basic daily tasks impossible. For one retired woman, living with chronic pain has been a huge mental burden in addition to a physical one. On the bright side, she doesn’t have to carry that burden all by herself.

Artist Bio

Jaime Kaiser is an audio-first journalist who is passionate about finding better ways to tell and share true stories.

Previous experience includes her work as an Associate Producer for Living on Earth, a nationally-syndicated, weekly public radio program focused on the environment and public health news. She has a Bachelor's degree in English literature From Brandeis University.

Jaime recently received a graduate certificate from the Salt Institute For Documentary Studies at the Maine College Of Art in Portland, Maine.