Sophie's Move

Sophie Rioux is a 31-year-old artist and musician. She has a genetic disorder called Williams Syndrome, which means she’ll never reach certain milestones of independence, such as driving or holding a full-time job. But, in this story, Sophie starts to claim her autonomy in one way: by making plans to move out of her beloved family home and into an apartment of her own.

Artist Bio

Anna Cassell graduated in 2011 with a certificate in Documentary Studies from Duke University, where she studied writing, photography and video -- every documentary art except for radio. For the past six years, Anna has lived in New York City, working as a private breakfast chef, compost farmer, and kids’ cooking teacher. During her long commutes to and from those jobs, she listened to thousands of hours of podcasts. Occasionally she arrived at work crying privately about a story she’d heard. Anna plans to live abroad after Salt. She hopes to occasionally make other commuters cry through the empathetic power of audio.